Jonathan Friedland
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Family Wealth Management, Trusts and Estates

International Tax

Third Sector

Jonathan Friedland

Advocate and Notary - International Law
Mr. Friedland specializes in questions of private international law, the enforcement of foreign judgments, and conflict of law issues as they bear upon questions of contract and international estates. He also advises Israeli and foreign companies in admiralty matters. In addition to creating and running a private law firm, Mr. Friedland served for over thirty years as the sole consular representative of the United States of America in northern Israel, an appointment made by the Secretary of State. Under his direction, that consular office in Haifa was the busiest in the world. Mr. Friedland worked with the US Department of State on consular matters, with the Department of Defense on matters concerning the Sixth Fleet, and with the Treasury regarding federal benefits to US citizens. In his consular capacity, Mr. Friedland worked with the Departments of Commerce, Education, and their parallel offices in Israel. Mr. Friedland has been a media presence in the north of Israel concerning US activities in Israel, and a frequesnt lecturer on these subjects. Mr. Friedland has served as founder, board member, and legal advisor to wide spread NGO's in northern Israel active in social welfare and educational projects, including the Fulbright Foundation, The Erez School in Shlomi, the Rubin Music Conservatory in Haifa, the Haifa Foundation, The Ofer School for Autistic Children in Haifa, and the Neve Yosef Community Centers of Haifa. 
Areas of Expertise:
Private clients 
Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports, 2004
New York University School of Law, JD, 1978
Yale University, BA in Philosophy, 1970
Membership in the Bar Association:
Member of the Israeli Bar Association since 1982                                                             
Member of the New York Bar Association since 1979
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אני מאשר/ת בזאת לדורון, טיקוצקי, קנטור, גוטמן, נס, עמית גרוס ושות' לשלוח לי ניוזלטרים/דיוור של מאמרים, מידע, חידושים, עדכונים מקצועיים והודעות, במייל ו/או בהודעה לנייד. הרשמה לקבלת הדיוור כאמור תאפשר קבלת דיוור שבועי ללא תשלום. ניתן בכל עת לבטל את ההרשמה לקבלת הדיוור ע"י לחיצה על מקש "הסרה" בכל דיוור שיישלח.