Shai Glickman
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Commercial, Corporate and M&A

Insolvency and Financial Rehabilitation


Shai Glickman

Advocate, Partner - Director of Insolvency Department
Adv. Shai Glickman specializes in corporate recovery, debt settlement, creditors’ settlements, receiverships and liquidations. Shai serves as an officer on behalf of courts as part of companies’ insolvency proceedings. He also represents clients before various court instances as well as financial and government institutions.
Shai provides ongoing counsel in complex proceedings which involve insolvency and debt settlement, and include liquidations, receivership, bankruptcy, creditors’ settlements, freezing proceedings, lawsuits against company officers, etc. Among Shai’s clients are companies in the construction, infrastructure, retail, industry and hi-tech sectors.
Shai is frequently appointed by courts at their initiative and at the request of companies and creditors, including banks, serving as an officer (liquidator, receiver, trustee, special manager) for organizations that have entered insolvency proceedings.
Additionally, Shai provides company directors and CEOs with ongoing legal support in accordance with Article 288 of the Insolvency Law, which relates to the responsibilities held by directors and officers and their obligation to reduce the scope of insolvency. Shai provides legal opinions on these issues.
Together with Dr. Shlomo Nass, Shai has handled some of Israel’s most prominent and complex debt settlements. Among them are the Clubmarket Chain, Coop Chain, Goalitev Holdings (of NSO Group), Avidar Services & Security, Or Yehuda Center of Academic Studies, Badui & Sons, Perry Group Real Estate, Burger Ranch, Agrexco, Maariv Group, Arie & Ofer Group, Clixie, Zaz-Door Furniture, Wertheimer Sport, Barat Group, Gruper Construction, and more.
Shai also has experience in managing companies in growth and crises through recovery, rehabilitation and operational optimization processes, and provides legal support for real estate, industry, energy, infrastructures and other projects.
Corporate and M&A
Netanya Academic College, LL.B., 2013
Membership in the Bar Association:
Member of the Israeli Bar Association since 2014
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אני מאשר/ת בזאת לדורון, טיקוצקי, קנטור, גוטמן, נס, עמית גרוס ושות' לשלוח לי ניוזלטרים/דיוור של מאמרים, מידע, חידושים, עדכונים מקצועיים והודעות, במייל ו/או בהודעה לנייד. הרשמה לקבלת הדיוור כאמור תאפשר קבלת דיוור שבועי ללא תשלום. ניתן בכל עת לבטל את ההרשמה לקבלת הדיוור ע"י לחיצה על מקש "הסרה" בכל דיוור שיישלח.