Our Austria Branch

we are proud to announce the opening of our Austrian Branch located in the heart of Vienna. It offers our clients a wide variety of legal as well as personal and business related services.
The clients
Our Austrian office represents individuals, private and public companies, and other business persons who have found Austria to be a comfortable home base for their activity to advantageously coincide and consort with Israeli or International Law.
The office offers its clients steady and ongoing escort in dealing with both strategic planning and day to day legal and commercial matters, whether be it legal representation in courts and tribunals or assistance in establishing companies or opening bank accounts.
Our client's base therefore ranges from the individual who wishes to issue and Austrian passports based on the fact that his grandparents were persecuted by the Nazis , to public companies entangled in complex international arbitration.
Legal Services
Our Israel Desk is highly familiar with Austrian-Israeli business transactions.
On the one hand, we accompany Austrian companies and individuals on their way to Israel, i.e. advise from the initiation of the business contact to the conclusion of the contract and support the implementation of the business relationship.
On the other hand, we advise Israeli individuals on personal matters, such as the acquisition of Austrian citizenship or their marriage in Austria or the acquisition of real estate in Austria. Furthermore, we advise Israeli companies and investors on their engagements in Austria, from the establishment or takeover of the company (including platform structuring from a tax point of view) to the actual implementation of the operational business.
Our Austrian office operates, inter alia, for the formation of international platforms, trusts and international transactions, all fully transparent to Israeli Tax Authorities and other related jurisdictions, in accordance with laws and regulations of the relevant state.
We also provide extensive legal services in Employment law, Probate law together with unique services in the fields of civil marriage and Austrian passports for descendants of the people persecuted y the Nazi regime.
We are litigators with more than 20 years of experience in representing companies and individuals before all courts and other judicial instances in Austria. In addition, we have unique expertise in arbitration proceedings. Combining global experience and local expertise, we protect your interests before state courts, arbitration tribunals and in alternative dispute resolution proceedings
Contracts and legal documents
One of Our main practice areas is advising on all aspects of general civil law, conducting negotiations and representing our clients in court and arbitration disputes. We draft and review complex civil law contracts for our clients, in particular cooperation agreements, R&D agreements, IP purchase and licensing, etc.
We also provide written legal opinions concerning a wide of issue under Austrian law.
Company law, Mergers and Acquisitions
We have more than 20 years of experience in establishing limited liability companies and trusts, as well as in advising on all corporate law issues in everyday business. We support you in the cooperation with banks (especially in the opening of accounts) and with the local tax authorities.
We also handle complex corporate transactions, in particular national and international mergers and acquisitions advising , drafting representing and accompanying the whole process.
Austrian passport for eligible Israelis
Since October 2019, descendants of victims of the Nazi regime can obtain Austrian citizenship by so-called notification without having to give up their primary Israeli citizenship. Your ancestor must have been in possession of Austrian citizenship or of one of the successor states of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy, must have had their main residence in the federal territory of the Republic of Austria and must have left Austria before May 15, 1955, and your ancestor must have had reason to fear or suffered persecution by organs of the NSDAP or the Nazi authorities. The relationship must be a direct line relationship from the persecuted ancestor.
The application can be submitted to the Austrian Embassy in Israel. We  fully support you jointly in Austria (e.g. in obtaining documents) and in Israel (in filing the application) in this process until successfully completed.
Civil Weddings
In Austria, same sex marriage is legally permitted and equally marriage between partners of opposite sex. We can assist same sex and different sex couples in compiling documents and organizing their state wedding in Austria. We can organize the translation of your Israeli documents by a court certified interpreter (a mandatory demand of the process). If you also want to book a particularly romantic location in Vienna or in the vicinity of Vienna for your wedding, we can also help you.
Working Visas
Real Estate in Austria
We are happy to take over the efficient and secure handling of your apartment or land purchase, in Austria from the drawing up of the contract to the registration of your property in the land register. The purchase of real estate (properties, apartments) by third-country nationals is subject to approval in many federal states. We help you to acquire real estate in a legally secure and risk-free manner.
In addition to the planning, contracting, land register and fiduciary execution of real estate projects, we also advise our clients in all matters of real estate and construction law as well as tenancy and housing law and represent them in legal disputes out and in front of court a. We cooperate with real estate agents who can also assist them in finding the right property.
We are certain that you will find our professionals as a true home for all your legal needs in Austria.

במידה ואחד ההורים הוא יליד אוסטריה

In case one of the parents was born in Austria

במידה והסב / סבתא יליד/ה אוסטריה

If one of the grandparents or both were born in Austria

יש לצרף את המסמכים הבאים בשפה העברית:

  • צילום דרכון ישראלי - חובה
  • צילום דרכון של תושב/ת אוסטריה - במידה ויש
  • צילום דרכון של אזרח/ית אוסטריה – במידה ויש
  • תעודת לידה ישראלית
  • כל מסמך המאשר קבלת פיצויים מאוסטריה וכל מסמך על קשר או קשור לאוסטריה
  • תעודות שינוי שם אם יש
  • תעודת נישואין

מסמכים בשפה הגרמנית:

  • צילום דרכון
  • תעודת לידה
  • כל מסמך המאשר קבלת פיצויים מוסטריה וכל מסמך על קשר או קשור לאוסטריה


Feel free to reach out to us with any questions: Center Branch 03-6109100, Haifa Branch 04-8147500, Mobile 054-4251054

Pour information

Laisser les détails

אני מאשר/ת בזאת לדורון, טיקוצקי, קנטור, גוטמן, נס, עמית גרוס ושות' לשלוח לי ניוזלטרים/דיוור של מאמרים, מידע, חידושים, עדכונים מקצועיים והודעות, במייל ו/או בהודעה לנייד. הרשמה לקבלת הדיוור כאמור תאפשר קבלת דיוור שבועי ללא תשלום. ניתן בכל עת לבטל את ההרשמה לקבלת הדיוור ע"י לחיצה על מקש "הסרה" בכל דיוור שיישלח.